Sub environments

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Do you want to offer the same courses with different branding, customise notifications for different customers, and more? Sub environments are sub domains of your learning environment, allowing you to offer different ‘entrances’ to the same content.
What’s in this Mini Masterclass?
In this Mini Masterclass we explain what sub environments are and how you can use them in your environment. You will learn how to set up sub environments and how you can customise them.
This Mini Masterclass is a must if…
  • you want to learn about the concept of sub environments.
  • you want to offer your learning environment in various brandings.
  • you are interested in sub management, but first want to learn more about sub environments.
Please note: this Mini Masterclass uses features only available in the Organisation version of aNewSpring. To learn more about the features of the Organisation, visit our website!

Mini Masterclass - Sub environments